Page 25 - Student Handbook Flip

b. B.S.N. students have only two opportunities to decline admission in writing
prior to losing their eligibility to apply.
c. Students who have been accepted to the RN-B.S.N. program but decline
acceptance for any reason must declare a new admission target date.
Students admitted to the B.S.N. program who withdraw from course work
within the first semester must reapply for admission.
a. Students who withdraw from course work within the first semester will have
one opportunity for readmission.
b. Reapplication must be within the time frame that would allow the student
timely completion of the program.
c. Students must adhere to the published dates for application.
Students who have failed to register for each sequential semester once accepted
into either the B.S.N. or RN-B.S.N. program will be seen as having interrupted
their academic progress.
a. Students must have completed one semester of study in the nursing program to
be considered out of sequence students.
b. Students who have interrupted their program of study for any reason must
submit a written request to return at least one semester in advance of their
return. The request is submitted to the Admission, Progression, Graduation
APG) Committee for deliberation.
c. Students who are considered out of sequence* will be placed back in their
required course work based on transcript evaluation, review of non-academic
performance (i.e. Essential Abilities, Student Code of Conduct, etc.), and space
A student in the nursing program is considered out of sequence when their
academic progress has been interrupted for any reason and the student fails to
register for each sequential semester.