Degrees and Majors

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27 results found

List of degrees and majors
Name Type School
Biology (100% online) M.A.T. School of Natural Sciences
Business Administration M.B.A. School of Business
Chemistry (100% online) M.A.T. School of Natural Sciences
Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.A.C.M.H.C. School of Social Sciences
Counseling M.S.Ed. School of Education
Criminal Justice and Public Safety (100% online) M.S. School of Social Sciences
Educational Technology for Learning (100% online) M.S.Ed. School of Education
Elementary Education M.S.Ed. School of Education
English M.A. School of Arts and Letters
English (100% online) M.A. School of Arts and Letters
French (100% online) M.A.T. School of Arts and Letters
German (100% online) M.A.T. School of Arts and Letters
History (100% online) M.A. School of Social Sciences
History (100% online) M.A.T. School of Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Studies MIS School of Social Sciences
Liberal Studies (100% online) M.L.S. School of Social Sciences
Management (100% online) M.S. School of Business
Management M.S. School of Business
Mathematics (100% online) M.A.T. School of Natural Sciences
Nursing Administration M.S.N. School of Nursing