
Goal 1
IU Southeast will serve as the center for regional advancement to address community, cultural, workforce, economic, educational and health needs.

As a committed “Steward of Place,” IU Southeast fully embraces its responsibility to serve as the cultural and economic hub of our region.


  • Create a center for business and non-profit partnerships that will support student development, serve industries, and enhance collaboration.
  • Establish pathways to increase dual credit and career exploration at our local schools.
  • Faculty and staff will serve in relevant community roles, including boards, committees, and organizations.
  • Leverage IU Southeast resources and campus grounds to better the health outcomes of our service region.
  • Develop and lead a community council on sustainability that engages community stakeholders in conversations about sustainability awareness and develops action plans.


  • Increase the number of education and nursing graduates by 20%.
  • Increase internships and practicum placements with local business and industry by 20%.
  • Establish center for business and non-profit partnerships by 2030.
  • Triple our pathways to increase dual credit, career exploration and wraparound support for Next Level Programs of Study at local schools.
  • Create a center for health promotion to deliver health screenings and public health information at area events and health fairs by 2030.
  • Campus will set up community council on sustainability by 2025 and convene two events per year by 2030.

Goal 2
IU Southeast will increase global engagement through strategic local and international partnerships.

While serving our region, we also recognize the profound extent to which we function in a highly diverse and interconnected world. Our students, faculty, staff and community will benefit from our continued commitment to serving locally and working globally.


  • Increase collaboration with different international universities in diverse regions of the world to increase global engagement.
  • Increase student participation in and access to international experiences.


  • Double the number of global university partnerships.
  • Double the number of students engaging in international experiences.
  • Establish relevant international partner universities by 2030 in collaboration with the Division of International Affairs.
  • Establish one partnership per year with local businesses and nonprofits with global ties to advance international experiences of our students.
  • Increase collaboration with regional Indiana University campuses and the Division of International Affairs to have one study abroad partnership a year beginning in 2025.