Degrees and Majors

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43 results found

List of degrees and majors
Name Type School
Finance P.B.C. School of Business
Gender Studies CRT School of Arts and Letters
General Business P.B.C. School of Business
Healthcare Documentation CRT School of Natural Sciences
Human Resources Management P.B.C. School of Business
Information Technology CRT School of Natural Sciences
International Affairs P.B.C. School of Social Sciences
International Business P.B.C. School of Business
Latin American Affairs CRT School of Social Sciences
Latin American Affairs P.B.C. School of Social Sciences
Leadership CRT School of Arts and Letters
Management P.B.C. School of Business
Marketing P.B.C. School of Business
Multimedia Production CRT School of Arts and Letters
Network Technology CRT School of Natural Sciences
Professional Selling P.B.C. School of Business
Professional Writing CRT School of Arts and Letters
Public Sector Management CRT School of Social Sciences
Public Sector Management P.B.C. School of Social Sciences
Second Language Competency CRT School of Arts and Letters